A wet and soggy Australia Day

Hello from a very wet and soggy South East Queenslander,

Happy Australia Day to you all.  I hope wherever you are you are safe.  This is not at all our usual Australia Day celebration weather, fine and sunny for the most part.  We've had severe weather warnings coming right down the Queensland Coastline for the last few days since ex tropical Cyclone Oswald struck and its made quite an impact.  We've had rain for a couple of days now.

You have to take the good with the bad I say.  It's the first decent rain we've had in 7 months and our tanks are full to overflowing which is great news.  The extreme heat has dropped to a more comfortable level and we could actually have a long soak in a deep bath last night.  That in itself is quite a novalty when you normally have to have a 2 minute shower to conserve water.  On the whole, we are pretty lucky where we live, as our home won't be affected by flooding.

Also it was my Mum's birthday today and we got to catch up briefly for morning tea.  If the weather was better it would have been a much longer celebration, but as with all Australia Day celebrations that were cancelled on the Sunshine Coast today, we had to keep it short because of the weather.  They needed to be able to drive safely without fear of being caught in any floodwaters.  We still got to enjoy Custard Slice and a Passionfruit Iced Sponge Cake, Mums favourites.

The bad news was almost immediately after they left, the wind picked up and we lost power for 5 hours.  When it was restored  my husband had to go check on his elderly parents whose power didn't come back when ours did.  More heavy rain is expected here overnight.  We are still bracing for the worst of it as it slowly travels down further on it's way to Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Rather than share my Mum's Birthday card, which has featured before as I made it several months ago here, I thought I would show you some Thank you cards that I made especially this week to be passed on to the head of my SU Team, based in Brisbane.  Liz is a lovely and generous lady with 4 children and in a shocking road accident, lost her husband recently.  Other members of the Paper Angels will also be making some Thank You cards and her closest team members are collecting them up to give her, so they're available as she needs them.  Other members who live a little closer are volunteering  to deliver the odd meal and organise activities/outings for the children.  These small gestures may be a big help to Liz over the next few months.

It was very sad to here Liz's news, but I hope in some small way these cards will be useful to her and be of some small comfort to know that we care.


  1. How thoughtful. Can't imagine

  2. These cards are beautiful and made with love. I am sure she will appreciate your kindness. Vx


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