A Revamp of something old

Hi Everyone,

I was recently going through a stash of old cards, deciding which to donate and found one, that I made some 5 + years ago.  I was going to toss it, as the adhesive used behind the vellum had turned yellow with age as was quite visable now spoiling the whole card.

I decided there would be nothing lost by cutting it up and seeing if I could salvage it.  Here is the result.  I forgot to take a before photo, but trust me, I was ready to throw it out.  What stopped me was the beautiful Paper tole bouquet that I know at the time, was one that was quite fiddly to assemble.

I was able to leave the centre intact while cutting around it with Oval Framelits, and I cut the old pink base of the card with the Oval Accents die and mat it all on a new Pear Pizzazz card base.  I even left the old gold Anniversary Sticker in place.  It was quite stuck to the vellum, so no problems there.

There you have it, I can still donate this card in a batch for a fundraiser.  No-one will ever know I made it over 5 years ago except for those of you reading this.

Have a great day.



  1. I can see why you wanted to salvage it. You have restored it to better than new! Lovely card. Vx


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